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I've been thinking a lot about Curb Cuts recently. They are everywhere and have gone relatively unnoticed to me even though I use them...
Recently, I was asked for recommendations for user-friendly Chrome Extensions to help promote accessible design within schools. Here are a...
It was an honor to present Create Accessibility at #ISTE17. I had two formal opportunities on the schedule to talk about my #GoogleEI proje...
This challenge is for those with newly captioned videos in Google Drive. With the recent Google Slides updates it's easier than ever t...
CreateA11y @ WUSD is a project that I have been working on within my school district. Its goal is to build awareness, empathy, and increa...
True Confession. I do not have #FlipGridFever yet but after my experience this weekend, I'm beginning to warm up to the tool. When t...
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