Day 2: Create a CC YouTube Playlist

Create a CC playlist with CC written in white in black box with play and share buttonsToday's challenge is to create a YouTube playlist with only closed captioned content. You can choose an upcoming topic you're teaching, professional learning topic, or a completely unrelated topic of interest. If you used the crowdsource method from Day 1, you're halfway there.

Here's how to Create Accessibility:

  1. Visit YouTube
  2. Search for CC content by typing your search terms followed by ,cc
  3. Watch and vet your results to determine if video is worthy of your playlist
  4. If yes, click +Add to and scroll down to the bottom and Click a New Playlist
  5. Name your playlist and choose privacy settings (I hope you choose public and share!)
  6. Continue vetting additional videos and click +Add to and choose your playlist
  7. Share your CC playlist using the #CreateA11y hashtag on twitter

Future challenges will include how to caption content on YouTube and Google Drive. Whether you are hosting your videos on YouTube or Google Drive,  creating playlists are a great way to organize content, especially student-created videos.

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